When we talk about profit from the Internet, one of the most popular ways to profit is to profit by blogging or writing articles, and when we talk about beginners, profit from Blogger is one of the easiest ways for beginners.
Let's take a detailed tour of the top 5 ways you can go for profit from the Blog of Blogger.
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How to create and profit from the Blog
In the beginning and before searching for profit from the blog Of Blogger, you must have a blog ready and with articles and have some experience in seo or format search engines, so that the visitors enter your blog and then you can profit through them.
So how do we create a Blog Blogger? Fortunately, we have started a free YouTube course entitled "Working online through the Blog of Blogger", and in this course you will learn:
- Create a new and professional blog from scratch
- Set all blog settings to be ready for action
- Linking the Blog to a Professional Domain
- Learn how to write search engine-compatible articles
- Learn how to recast articles from other blogs in a legitimate and correct way
- Find out how to translate articles in English and put them in our blog in a legitimate way
- Learn all the basics of search engine development or what is known as "seo"
- Find out how to post the blog on Sushil Media
- Find out how to profit from The Blogger Blog
Now if you own a Blog, or are considering creating a new blog after hearing our turn and starting to profit from it, let us know how to profit from the Blog.
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1. Profit from Blogger by Advertising
If you ask anyone about the ways to profit from Blogger, surely his first response will be to profit through ads and specifically Google AdSense ads.
What are these ads and how do we profit from them?
At first, we have a product owner or service and most often are companies, wants to increase the sales of his product or service, so he goes to an advertising company and gives her some money to shop for his product and advertising company for example here is Google Company.
So now Google wants customers to promote this product, not any customers specifically targeting "any customers interested in this product" how does Google come with these customers?
Simply Google goes to publishers and they are the owners of blogs and sites like you and you sort them and show ads for this product in those blogs and sites according to their field, for example if this product is a weight loss product go Google to blogs that talk about weight loss and show ads for those products they have and in exchange for clicking on those ads give Google a part of the money for the owners of those blogs and sites, and so on with all products and services and all blogs and sites.
So, we now have three columns for this operation.
- Product owners or companies
- Advertising companies
- publishers and they certainly are us
The more visitors to your blog or site, the higher the click on those ads, the more you will earn, the better you know now in detail about how the ads work and how to profit from blogger through them.
If we talk about the best advertising companies you can work with, as we mentioned and without competitor, Google or specifically Google AdSense is the leader in this field.
Now you have a clear path ahead of you, which is to create a Blogger blog, start writing articles in a field, taking into account the SEO rules, apply on Google AdSense, and then profit from Blogger blog.
All of this is in our course at the beginning of this article.
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2. Profit from the Blog by Uploading Files
When you decide to work in the field of blogging and writing articles whether on the Blogger, WordPress or any other platform, there is a fact that needs to be known well:
When you have a blog, your biggest capital is the visitor, if you gain them, you gain money and if you lose them you lose the money.
All of The Blogger’s profit methods depend on the presence of visitors in your blog, so a little while ago we talked about profit by clicking on ads from visitors.
Now when we talk about how to profit from Blogger by uploading files, it's also visitors who will bring you money, so how about that?
The profit strategy of raising files depends on raising a file whether it is a. normal file or its pictures or even a video on one of the file-raising sites, the best of which we will mention shortly.
Then take the link to this file and put it in one of your articles that bring visitors, keeping in mind that visitors want to download this file, and for every thousand downloads for this file will give you the site of raising files an average amount of money ranging from $3:5.
The best file-raising companies or sites are:
- File-upload
- Up-4ever
(profit from internet/blogger/blogging platform/blogging site/free blogging platform/free blogging site/profit/content creator/profit from blogger/gross profit/gross margin/profit margin/blogg/net profit/wordpress blog/gross profit margin/profit and loss/google blog/wix blog/profit and loss statement/net profit margin/operating profit/profit and loss account/501 c 3/operating margin/stella dimoko korkus/rachel parcel/blogger templates/stella dimoko korkus blog/stella dimoko blog/starting a blog/create a blog/not a blog/profit sharing/profit maximization/operating profit margin/not for profit/free blog/economic profit/inthefrow/lydia millen/blog writing/ladun liadi/myprofitland/501c/beauty blogger/lifestyle blog/kristina bazan/r bloggers/free blogger templates)
3. Profit by abbreviating links
The way to profit from the Blog Blogger by abbreviating links is very similar to the previous way in the mechanism of action but easier than it is, what is the mechanism of doing that way?
For example, you now have a blog or a website that is accessed daily by a good number of visitors and we say 500 visitors a day.
So, these visitors are ready to go with you wherever you want as long as they like your articles and your way of writing and explaining, you do another explanation or video or even a file as the previous way. But instead of putting them in the direct link, you
put them a brief link through which they pass to some ads and then they automatically turn to the place of destination.
So, in the end they get to their destination and don't lie to them, but they show some ads on the way, so who are these ads and how do we win this way? Those ads are for one of the
sites abbreviating the links you subscribe to, which is a broker site that takes the link that we just talked about.
And then you shorten it in the site shortcut links and gives you a short link is already connecting the visitor to the same place but as we mentioned passes on some ads for the site shortcut links in profit is through those ads and gives you a percentage of profit because you brought visitors to his ads.
The average profit from link shortcut sites is between $5:10 per 1,000 visitors, so what are the best links shortcut sites you can work with and profit from?
- Get Surl
- adf.ly
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4. Profit by commission marketing
When talking about commission marketing or Affiliate Marketing you should be in full focus, take a cup of tea and then continue reading the explanation. In short, the commission is very
marketing is that a visitor buys a product through you and you take a percentage of that purchase, do you feel distracted?
We will give an example here of a product but of course this applies to all products and services.
For example, there is a company that sells cosmetics, and of course you want to increase the sales of this product and there is a blog about women or cosmetics so surely visitors to this blog will be interested in that cosmetics.
Through a company or broker site called “Affiliate Marketing Network" you take a direct link to the purchase of this product and put it in your blog, and each purchase made through this link takes you a percentage of the price of this product, and this percentage varies according to the product and company.
This is of course applicable to all products and services, and don't worry, whatever your blog or location domain, you will find a product or shopping service for it and take a commission.
It should be noted here that these products for which you are marketed are not only tangible physical products, they may be an educational course, a book or another site.
God willing, in the Profit House blog, we will provide an extensive explanation about commission marketing, so we waited.
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5. Profit from Blogger through mini-service sites
What are the mini-service sites and how can you profit from the Blog of Blogger through them?
Mini-service sites are sites that enable you to offer your service that you master for a sum of money, and people come looking for someone to offer them that service.
If this person finds you suitable and able to complete the service to him to the fullest, he will hire you to do that service for a sum of money starting from $5 and increasing to what God willing. One of the
most popular micro-service sites is the Fives in Arabic and fiver in English. One of the most sought-after services on these sites is the
content writing service, already as I read the writing of the content.
Of course, they don't hire anyone, they're looking for a serious and professional person to write, and to make sure of that they ask for examples of the previous work of these writers.
And here if your blog is good and the articles in it are of high quality, you will be the best to be able to do your business exhibition which attracts the owners of large sites to hire you with them.
Thus, we have provided you with a hearty meal of profit methods from Blogger, we wish you full benefit and hard work.
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